
Red String Bracelet


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Red String Bracelet

Hinduism Kabbalah

Buddhism Christianity

Red has been a color used since ancient times, and is a symbol of blood, protection, is used in the work with the Evil Eye, it’s been painted on the human body before battle, even painted on doors of homes for protection.  It is believed that the left side of the body is the receiving side, so wearing it on the left side allows the receiving of good fortunes and luck to come to you.

In Hinduism they are generally worn on the right wrist by men and left wrist by woman. In Hinduism, red is a symbol of purity, the color of divine, bravery and generosity.  It shows unity in the faith of Hinduism and the community.

In Buddhism, the color red is a symbol of life force, compassion, and rules the tongue.  Wearing the red string in Buddhism is a reminder to the wearer to show compassion to all and to mind the tongue; for the tongue can cut deeper than the sword.

In Christianity, Genesis: 38 mentions the red string to “worn off misfortunes”.  It is also generally worn on the left wrist.  In Christianity, red is a symbol of fire, blood, and Pentecost. It also became the color of the martyred saints.

Kabbalah is the Jewish mystical interpretation of the bible.  It originated from Rachel’s tomb and is only worn on the left wrist. In Kabbalah it’s believed it removes unwanted energy to make room for wanted energy.

No matter what wrist you wear it on or how you view the symbolism of wearing the string, it can make a great addition to your faith and remind you of the importance of what you stand for.

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