
Healing Power Stones for Cancer Purpose Bracelets


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Healing Power Stones for Cancer Bracelet

Amethyst is an immune booster and is good at treating diseases causing cellular disruptions.  It strengthens the organs, cleanses the blood and dissipates pain.

Rhodonite is a wound healer and useful after any surgery, it has been found to be useful to effect healing in cases of bone cancers.   It is also used to shrink tumors.

Malachite is a regenerative stone that works on blocked energy, physical pain and getting the flow moving through the body again.  It pinpoints tumors and growths, correcting and repairing the DNA.  It stimulates and enhances the immune system.

Fluorite brings order and balance by eliminating disorganized growth.  It nourishes the physical body, purifying, cleansing, and restructuring cells. It protects and heals.

Smoky Quartz is a general healer for the lower body, the abdomen and legs.  It has the additional properties of assisting in the treatment of radiation sickness and the after effects of chemotherapy.

Carnelian balances and stabilizes while restoring vitality and energy while increasing blood circulation and appetite.  It transmutes and cleanses negative energy.

Crystal Quartz is known as the master healer and it amplifies the energies of any stones nearby.  It draws off negative energy and balances and revitalizes the body and mind as it stimulates immunity and brings the body into balance.

Lapis Lazuli boosts the immune system, purifies blood, lowers blood pressure, cooling and soothing areas of inflammation.  It alleviates insomnia and vertigo, and overcomes depression.  It cleanses organs, bone marrow and thymus.

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Healing Power Stones for Cancer Bracelet – with charm $15.00, Large Healing Power Stones for Cancer Bracelet – no charm $15.00

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