
Healers Gold Sphere


Your sphere will include a information paper stating the following

Healer’s Gold (shiny gold grey stone) is also known as Apache Gold, and is a combination of pyrite lodestone and maintains the properties of both stones.  It can be highly efficient at easing that drained feeling one gets often after doing a healing.  It actually boosts both the healer and receiver’s energy levels making it a wonderful aid for healers.
It is a great stone to keep at your desk, as it protects from the negativity emitted by electrical equipment, while enhancing our intellect, logic and memory.  It helps us to be more decisive, and take action due to its ability to create energy and flow.
Healer’s gold brings a positive outlook and releases ancient murk that has been held in the emotional body at the solar plexus. It strengthens the will and brings harmony with self and others.  It is a great manifestation stone, combining the attracting properties of lodestone with the protecting and discernment that comes from the pyrite.

Spheres radiate energy in all directions at the same time, and have the ability to move energy through time.   Spheres are used during meditation to bring the Self back into alignment with the Oneness of the Cosmos. In truth, we are never separated from that which we seek. Spheres are never ending, never beginning….there is no end, there is no beginning, a Sphere simply is. It is continual much like the cycle of renewal and regeneration.

Earn up to 64 Points.

SKU: N/A Category:

You will receive the stone shown in the photo. This sphere measures just under 2 1/2”.

Choose One:

Without Stand $62, With Stand $63.50

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