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Fire Agate Bracelet


Your bracelet will include an information paper stating the following:

Fire Agate – This fiery stone has a protective energy, it creates a powerful shield around the body that psychically protects.  Fire Agate works strongly through the sacral chakra, and therefore it is a powerful stone to aid procreation in both men and women.  Not only does it stimulate procreative energy, but it also inspires and enhances creativity allowing divine  inspiration to radiate through the entire body.  Crackled Fire Agate has a slightly different energy to the other stones, and is said to be even more strongly protective. These crystals embody an energetically stimulating energy.  This stone has a powerful vibration that sharpens your desire to take action, even when you’re not sure what the best course to take should be. It can help you to feel fully grounded and physically aware, and it quickens the fire in your spirit and awakens a passion for life.

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